Sunday, November 30, 2014

Photo Archives

 From Papa Tony: 

After years of posting reviews of events, along with scads of photos, I have finally collected many of them here, in one place.  The FMSD blog contains EVERYTHING.  These are the highlights, representing a tiny subset of our events.

Many thanks to Scott Smith, who has been our primary source of glorious, vivid and illustrative historical imagery. Thanks also to Felix Moo, who is rising among us as an excellent photo-journalist for event photography.

These images and articles are crucial.  Our Tribe of leathermen lost a HUGE amount of our cultural history when so many men died.  In order to rebuild a thriving subculture, we have to prove that we can accomplish joyful and numerous events, over and over and over.  By posting these reviews, we are regaining a sense of purpose, history and continuity.

Our pride and brotherhood are everywhere in these pages.  It's an ongoing celebration of a successful, thriving Tribe that continues to grow in cohesiveness, leadership, innovation and joy, event after event, after event.

Frankly, we are bragging, in visual form!

Mr. San Diego Eagle 2014: ContestCrowd ShotsFashion ShowVictory Brunch

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