Monday, January 7, 2019

Collaring… All Types

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Note from Papa Tony:  I am not necessarily endorsing this viewpoint, but it is another perspective to ponder.  My views on the topic are to be found here.

Also, here are some things to think about, BEFORE you are to be collared.


A collar is the most powerful symbol of ownership and commitment in the BDSM community. A collar should be earned, not given lightly.

The moment it is first placed around the neck a moment to remember for both Master and slave. The slave is owned forever unless the Master decides to release it. The Master/slave version of a wedding ring. Not to be taken lightly.

It may be that a symbolic ‘training’ collar is used at the outset whilst the slave is tested and trained. something that still marks it as under consideration, submissive, something it can wear to experience the joy of being under someone elses control. Something it doesn't take off, a 24/7 reminder of what it is, what it is doing, what it is becoming. 

But the moment it is swopped for something heavier, something that is locked on, the emotions can’t be compared. This is real now, you are a slave….permanently.

The chain and padlock is the most common form of permanent collar. The advantage being it can be worn 24/7, under clothes if necessary, when the slave is in the outside world. i have had Masters who remove it only for showering but others who leave it on even for that, no excuses, it never comes off. And yes you can get through airport security, when you explain you don’t have the key and allow it to be inspected!

the other most common collar must be the leather buckled collar.

Worn at home or at BDSM events or for a minority I’ve met also 24/7, padlocked on. 

the classic collar to attach a lead, rope, chain to drag the slave around. 

A combination is what i see most. The permanent padlock chain and the leather collar as a more potent symbol for much of the time. 

The other common one is the dog collar worn by puppies…

But also for occasional use for the Master who wants his slave to spend time as an animal, communicating only with barks and groans, taken outside to piss and shit but also potentially stroked and petted as a sign of affection. A comforting safe place for some slaves, a nightmare of dehumanisation and humiliation for others. 

Different collars can also be used as punishment. Tight, restricting, making breathing difficult.

Posture collars, forcing the chin up unnaturally. this example is fairly mild compared to some i’ve been put in but the metal makes it harsher. 

Once in there is no way your head is going down, no escape. 

The heavy iron or steel collar, often paired with manacles, leg irons, chains. Solid rings to fasten the slave to a hook in the dungeon or…

…pull and push it around. Once on it is hard to forget, it restricts movement, the neck breaking weight but also my experience is that after a while it will start to rub, chafe, become incredibly sore, even break skin and bleed or blister….something Master may well be aware of, enjoy and exploit. The longest i’ve spent in one was a three day weekend and by the end of the first night it was a persistent, nagging, agony. 

Dehumanising…a work animal. 

Maybe eventually the slave becomes used to it or its skin adapts. the lighter the weight the easier this will be.

i’ve heard of full time slaves kept in them permanently and it is certainly a common fantasy/intention of both Masters and slaves on tumblr to have a slave in one 24/7….

…the visual appeal is intoxicating for sure. 

Another punishment collar…the shock collar. Good for training and behaviour modification. Run faster! Don’t move from this spot! Or a wake up call. 

The prong collar is another harsh one used for training. Interestingly there are many who say these shouldn’t be used on real dogs as they are far crueler even than a shock collar. The sharp prongs digging into the neck, will cut, will bleed when pulled a lot, the idea being the dog/slave follows wherever it is led to ease the pain. For real dogs they come with rubber caps to protect the neck, for real slaves this may not be an option!

And i guess some sissy slaves would enjoy being put in one of these but for me i can’t help thinking the humiliation would only be felt as a punishment. But if it was what Master wanted…and it could always get worse…

Because the biggest fear of the true Owned slave is the collar being removed as punishment. it did happen to me once, and it was the most emotionally damaging punishment i remember. i felt naked without it, vulnerable, ashamed, lost, disoriented, it had become part of my identity. i had to earn the collar back and did so but…

That moment when it was put back on by Master was blissful, i belonged again, in my place. 

So yes, whatever they are or however they are worn the collar is so powerful and that power shouldn’t be taken lightly. A collar bonds, both personally and publicly. For me there is nothing like the pride felt when out with a Master, collar on display, being led, seen as His possession….chosen….owned. 

Had to add this one. This slave is obviously in its rightful place, so proud of its thick collar…owned. 

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