Sunday, December 30, 2018

Body-Shaming Yourself

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Anonymous:  Hey man. I'm gonna be real. I'm fat. I'm gross. I'm disgusting and no one should look at me. I don't look good in anything I don't feel good in anything. I hide my body under big cloths and am afraid to go to the gym because everyone there judges. No it's not as simple as "who cares", I hate everything about me. I found your blog though and was obsessed with you. Not because you'e cute (very cute btw) but because it shows me I can be confident in myself. Thank you.


Let me just go out and say this.

A quote from one of my favorite poets:

“And if you cant see anything beautiful about yourself.  Get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer. Because there’s something inside you that made you keep trying”

There is something beautiful in everyone, maybe not so much physical but it’s always the inside that counts.  Thank you for following me and I hope you can see this yourself one day.

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