Saturday, December 22, 2018

In Praise of Rebloggers

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Papa Tony:

I complimented someone’s blog, and got this response:
Thank you. Though I'm blushing a little, since it's all reblogged from others, I actually haven't made any original content
That day may come.  It's not a priority until YOU care to shift in that direction, and you are happy with that choice.

My point is that a blog is similar to someone visiting somebody else's home, and browsing the titles of their CD's or books. You are sharing what speaks for YOU. You are acting as a docent - a curator... a filter.

You would never DREAM of re-blogging something repellent. You want to bless others with the treasures that speak for your values and your heart.

We do not need more information - we are DROWNING in information. It's like trying to sip water from a firehose. What we NEED is WISDOM, from a trusted source, who cares deeply about what we find along the way, and leaves pointers for others to follow

By sharing what pleases us, we are building Tribe... Family of Choice.

Please keep going with what you do. As time goes by, and as we find each other, WHEREVER we go, we take power away from those who want to stop us, shame us, and push us back into the closet.

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